Monday, December 3, 2007

Why are there so many racists playing Halo?

I love playing Halo 2, but why are there so many young white kids from the south (Bible belt) playing the game? The point I am trying to make is that I have heard the "N" word so many times it makes me sick. I even hear hatred towards Mexicans a lot too. Also, whenever somebody comes on speaking another language, why are they told to shut up and speak English. Are these young Americans this ugly? Now I can see where the term, "Ugly American" came from. Where are all the players from the East and west cost of the USA? We need more players to stand up to these racists. I am sure there must be some open minded southerners out there, why no let your voice be known.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm a southern white male who plays Halo 3 quite a bit, and I can honestly say that I don't feel this is a southern thing. People around here are far more offended by that kind of talk than you could understand if you aren't from here. I remember a big team battle we were all in where someone on our team called the other team "a bunch of n***** lovers". and my group (both black and white southern males) spent the rest of the match betraying him in every way possible. We're not going to accept that behavior from anyone, because even if the guy saying it is from Hawaii, or Ohio, or New York, people assume that because he's racist he's from the south. We're fighting against that stereotype, and we're not going to put up with vitriol and hate speech, even from people who get thrown onto our team.

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